The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) recently made an announcement regarding star batsman Virat Kohli. Kohli has decided to withdraw from the first two Test matches against England, citing personal reasons for his absence. This decision was communicated following discussions with the Indian team captain Rohit Sharma, the team management, and the selectors.
The BCCI’s official statement highlighted that while Kohli has always prioritized representing his country, he currently needs to focus on certain personal matters that require his undivided attention. This is not the first instance of Kohli missing matches due to personal reasons; he previously missed a T20I match against Afghanistan and an intra-squad match in South Africa, both for similar reasons.
In their statement, the BCCI expressed respect for Kohli’s decision and extended their support to him. They have asked the media and fans to respect Kohli’s privacy and refrain from speculating about the nature of his personal reasons. The BCCI also emphasized the strength of the remaining squad and their confidence in the team’s ability to perform well in the upcoming Test series against England. The replacement for Kohli in the squad is expected to be announced in the near future.
The statement concluded by urging media and fans to focus on supporting the Indian cricket team as they face the challenges in the upcoming Test series.